
I have denied cancer six seven times in my life. This last round has settled in my spine, femur, and liver. Lucky for me, this has had the unexpected effect of expedited personal evolution. I am at peace with how life is unfolding for me, drawing me back home to myself, to God.

I paint and remodel my house. I make and consume a lot of soup. If I don’t create something beautiful and meaningful every now and then, I get stir crazy. I run sometimes. Here in my mid-forties, I’ve started, stopped, re-started (and stopped again) training in mixed martial arts. There are long stretches of time in which walking is the only thing my body will acquiesce to do, and so I obey. I have no end goal for any of these forms of exercise, except to keep moving.

I have many dreams, some practical and others are the stuff of fantasy novels. The dream that holds me steady, keeps me moving, gives me breath on difficult days- is to create a home for myself and my family that feels like love is plastered into the walls.

And sometimes I write things that other people seem to enjoy.
